The Value of Ultrasound in Differentiating Female Isosexual Precocious Puberty
中文关键词:  性早熟  二维超声
英文关键词:Sexual precocity  Two-dimensional ultrasonography
高峻 武汉市儿童医院超声诊断科,湖北武汉 430016 
郑名芳 武汉市儿童医院超声诊断科,湖北武汉 430016 
张庆 武汉市儿童医院超声诊断科,湖北武汉 430016 
赵亚平 武汉市儿童医院超声诊断科,湖北武汉 430016 
彭晶 武汉市儿童医院超声诊断科,湖北武汉 430016 
孙杰 武汉市儿童医院超声诊断科,湖北武汉 430016 
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全文下载次数: 24628
      目的 探讨超声对女童真假性性早熟的鉴别诊断价值。方法 选择无内分泌腺病变并经LHRH试验确诊为特发性真性性早熟和假性性早熟患儿,应用二维超声测量子宫和卵巢的各径线及容积,并与正常同龄儿进行比较。结果 特发性真性性早熟患儿的子宫各测值稍大于正常同龄儿,其卵巢测值则明显大于正常;假性性早熟患儿的子宫各径线值明显大于正常同龄儿,形态如青春期,而卵巢测值正常或稍增大。结论 子宫、卵巢的大小直接反映了内分泌的变化,超声检查可提供鉴别真假性性早熟重要参考依据。
      Objective To obtain the value of ultrasound in differential diagnosing idiopathic central precocious puberty (ICPP) and pseudo-precocity. Methods The study groups all were proved to be without any endocrinic illness and went through LHRH test who were diagnosed as ICPP and pseudo-precocity by clinlic. The dimensions and volumes of uterus and ovary were measured by two-dimensional ultrasonography and compared with the age-matched children. Results In ICPP the dimensions of uterus little increased than normal. But the measurements of ovary obviously increased. In pseudo-precocity the values of uterus increased more significently than that of ovary. And the shape of uterus is more like that of puberty. Conclusion The measurements of uterus and ovary directly reflected the effects of endocrine change. Ultrasound examination can provide important information in differentiating sexual precocity.
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