Clinical application of automated breast volume scanner
投稿时间:2010-09-13  修订日期:2010-11-15
中文关键词:  自动乳腺全容积扫查  超声检查  乳腺疾病
英文关键词:Automated breast volume scanning  Ultrasonography  Breast diseases
张芹 上海交通大学附属第六人民医院超声医学科 上海超声医学研究所,上海 200233  
胡滨 上海交通大学附属第六人民医院超声医学科 上海超声医学研究所,上海 200233  
胡兵 上海交通大学附属第六人民医院超声医学科 上海超声医学研究所,上海 200233 binghuzz@263.net 
李文彬 上海交通大学附属第六人民医院超声医学科 上海超声医学研究所,上海 200233  
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       目的 探讨自动乳腺全容积扫查(ABVS)系统检查乳腺病变的临床意义。方法 应用Acuson S2000 ABVS系统对81例患者双侧乳房进行扫查,包括正中位、内侧位和外侧位,获得横切面基本图像数据,系统自动进行三维重建,同步获得整个乳腺包括矢状面和冠状面的图像。由2位不同年资医师分别独立阅片。患者同时接受常规超声检查,比较两种检查的诊断结果。结果 低年资和高年资医师采用ABVS系统发现的病灶数分别为89个、99个,采用常规超声发现的病灶数分别为60个、85个。采用ABVS系统时,不同年资医师的检查结果差异无统计学意义(P>0.05)。结论 ABVS系统可明显减少操作者经验对检查结果的影响,提高乳腺病变的检出率。
      Objective To investigate the clinical value of automated breast volume scanning (ABVS) system in detection of breast lesions. Methods Eighty-one patients (totally 162 breasts) were scanned with Acuson S2000 ABVS system and conventional ultrasound examination. Each breast was overall scanned with three positions including antero-posterior (AP), medial and lateral section. The scanning data were stored and automatically reconstructed. Then all the patients accepted conventional ultrasound scanning by a junior and a senior doctor, respectively, and the results were compared as well. Results The number of lesions detected with the junior and the senior doctor with ABVS was 89 and 99, respectively, while the number was 60 and 85 with conventional ultrasound. No statistical difference was found between the results of two examiners using ABVS system (P>0.05). Conclusion ABVS system can obviously decrease the influence of doctors' experience on examination results. ABVS technology can improve the detect ability of breast lesions.
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