Diagnosis and treatment of spontaneous carotid artery dissection
投稿时间:2011-03-31  修订日期:2011-05-09
中文关键词:  颈动脉疾病  自发性  血管造影术  支架
英文关键词:Carotid artery diseases  Spontaneous  Angiography  Stents
张帆 河北省人民医院影像科导管室,河北 石家庄 050071 zf_dr@163.com 
郜利会 河北省人民医院影像科导管室,河北 石家庄 050071  
郭贵军 河北省人民医院影像科导管室,河北 石家庄 050071  
徐国栋 河北省人民医院影像科导管室,河北 石家庄 050071  
孟庆溪 河北省人民医院影像科导管室,河北 石家庄 050071  
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      目的 探讨自发性颈动脉内膜剥脱症(SCAD)的诊断与治疗方法。方法 回顾性分析9例SCAD患者的临床诊断和治疗资料。结果 血管超声检查显示颈动脉管腔狭窄或闭塞。脑血管造影显示闭塞病变近端呈"火焰征",狭窄病变内见内膜片游离。1例患者双侧颈内动脉完全闭塞,6例患者单侧颈内动脉完全闭塞,接受抗血小板治疗;2例颈动脉不完全闭塞者接受血管内支架植入术,治疗均取得较满意效果。结论 脑血管造影是诊断SCAD的金标准,血管内支架植入术是治疗SCAD的有效方法。
      Objective To discuss the diagnosis and treatment of spontaneous carotid artery dissection (SCAD). Methods Clinical diagnosis and treatment data of 9 patients with SCAD were analyzed retrospectively. Results Vascular ultrasound showed stenoses or occlusions of carotid artery. Angiography showed "flame-shaped " sign in totally occluded proximal section and free intimal flap in stenoses section. One patient with total occlusion of bilateral internal carotid artery and 6 patients with total occlusion of unilateral internal carotid artery were treated with antiplatelet therapy. Two patients with incomplete occlusion of the carotid were operated with stent implantation in carotid arteries, and the clinical effect of both operations was satisfactory. Conclusion Angiography remains the gold standard in diagnosing SCAD, and stent implantation is an effective treatment of this disease.
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