于颖,赵沐,刘影,张跃伟.在肝癌介入治疗中联合应用Syngo Dyna CT、Inspace 3D重建技术与DSA的价值[J].中国介入影像与治疗学,2012,9(11):824-827 |
在肝癌介入治疗中联合应用Syngo Dyna CT、Inspace 3D重建技术与DSA的价值 |
Combination of Syngo Dyna CT, Inspace 3D reconstruction and DSA in interventional treatment of liver carcinoma |
投稿时间:2012-08-08 修订日期:2012-09-17 |
DOI: |
中文关键词: 肝肿瘤 血管造影术,数字减影 图像处理,计算机辅助 |
英文关键词:Liver neoplasms Angiography, digital subtraction Image processing, computer-assisted |
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摘要点击次数: 6687 |
全文下载次数: 6599 |
中文摘要: |
目的 探讨在肝癌TACE治疗中联合应用Syngo Dyna CT及Inspace 3D图像重建技术与DSA的价值。方法 收集380例肝癌患者,其中原发性肝癌295例,转移性肝癌85例,均接受常规及旋转DSA,其中35例常规DSA示肿瘤血管重叠者接受Dyna CT断层成像。结果 295例原发性肝癌造影均显示为动脉供血,其中270例仅见肝固有动脉供血,25例可见其他变异动脉参与供血。35例接受Dyna CT断层扫描,Inspace 3D图像均可清晰显示肿瘤供血血管分支及走行。结论 联合应用Dyna CT断层成像及Inspace 3D重建技术与DSA能够提高对肝癌小病灶及边缘性病灶的检出率,清晰显示纡曲血管与肿瘤的关系,在肝癌介入治疗中具有重要应用价值。 |
英文摘要: |
Objective To explore the value of Syngo Dyna CT, Inspace 3D reconstruction and DSA in TACE of liver carcinoma. Methods A total of 380 patients with liver carcinoma, including 295 primary liver cancer and 85 metastatic liver cancer, underwent conventional DSA and spiral DSA. Syngo Dyna CT and Inspace 3D reconstruction were performed in 35 patients, whose conventional DSA images could not display the feeding artery of the tumor. Results DSA images of 295 primary liver cancer demonstrated the feeding artery clearly, including 270 common hepatic arteries and 25 other variation arteries. Inspace 3D reconstructed images of 35 patients demonstrated small lesions clearly. Conclusion The combined application of Syngo Dyna CT, Inspace 3D reconstruction and conventional DSA can improve the detection rate of small lesions and demonstrate tumor feeding vessels, and has important value in interventional treatment of liver carcinoma. |
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